Iowa Mini-Z Racing Rules
Iowa Mini-Z Racing rules will be based off of the following 28 Scale Racing Association rules. Our local racing or local racing option classes rules can be found here. Other racing clubs rules may vary. Please check with the individual club if you have questions.
28 Scale Racing Association
Rules and Racing Guidelines
Version 2024.2
Revisions 5/4/2024
- Added Marka – RK-LM6 to approved Lexan Pan Car and LMP body’s list.
- Changed 4.3.8, 4.4.8, 4.5.8, 4.6.8 from - Any manufacturer ESC and Receiver is allowed. Sensored ESC must have and be in BLINKY MODE. Changed to - Any manufacturer ESC and Receiver is allowed. ESC must have and be in BLINKY MODE. Note, this rule change will not take effect immediately, it will take effect at the conclusion of the final Grand Prix Sept 23rd 2024.
- Added clarification to 4.3.4, 4.4.4, 4.6.4 - Note: 25 tile straightaway is measured at the longest part of the straightaway / outside straightaway.
Needs Added/Refined/Tested
- Weight width height table needs redone in AWD, Mod, Open to accommodate 102mm cars?
- Need to define penalties for on track and rules infractions?
- Need battery max physical size requirements?
- Need to add min weight to F1?
Race Format
Grand Prix Race Format
- Practice will be separated by like speed classes. Rocky Mountain Spec - F1, Stock - 3500 GT, LMP/LMH - Mod AWD, Mod GT, Mod Open
- Practice will be 3:00 sessions with 30 second driver transition time, session time is dependent on time constraints.
- No more than 10 drivers on the stand per practice session.
- The number of practice sessions each class gets will be determined by the number of entries per class. For example, if there’s 27 entries in Stock and 15 entries in F1, there will be 5 sessions of practice to allow every driver in those classes an opportunity to get a practice session in.
- There will be a Pre-Qualifier plus three qualifying runs (Q1, Q2, Q3) for each class. Depending on entries and time constraints a 4th qualifier (Q4) may be added. The race director will decide that before the event starts.
- Pre-Qualifier will last for 3 minutes, Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 rounds will last 5 minutes with 1 min warm-up and 30 second driver transition time.
- All Qualifying rounds, the drivers will be called out individually to start, and will be on their own clock (IFMAR qualifying).
- For the Pre-Qualifier run, the starting grid will be randomly sorted. Your top 3 consecutive laps will count towards the sorting order for Q1.
- The 1st – 4th qualifying rounds will be resorted by your best laps and time result from all qualifiers to that point.
- There will be only 1 racers minute allowed per race if needed, racers minute will last a maximum of 1 min. The track will be closed during the racers’ minute.
- The racer’s final qualifying position will be based on your best single qualifying run, laps and times of the 4 qualifying rounds. TQ will be awarded to the racer with the best laps and time from a single round (Rocket Round).
All Mains
- The winner of each main will score: 1 point, 2nd place will score: 2 points, 3rd place will score: 3 points, and so on, scoring one point less for each driver down to the last finishing position. If a driver does not start a main, they receive 14 points.
- 2 turn rule - there will be no passing in the first 2 turns of any main unless a driver wrecks in front of you.
- There will be only 1 racers minute allowed per main if needed, racers minute will last a maximum of 1 min. The track will be closed during the racers’ minute.
- All “A” mains will run 3 times for 6 minutes using a point system to determine your final position. Your best 2 finishes of the 3 “A” mains will count towards your final points. Least number of points wins.
- All “A” mains will be 10 drivers maximum.
- A driver who wins the first two mains of a triple A-Main event must sit out the third main.
- The “A” mains tiebreaker is the best single finishing position (1-3 beats a 2-2) If there’s still a tie then the best Laps/time from the best finishing position run is the final tie breaker (IFMAR).
Lower Mains
- All lower mains will run 2 times for 6 minutes using a point system to determine your final position.
- No bumps from the lower mains to the “A”.
- lower mains 4 minimum, 13 maximum.
- The tiebreaker is whoever finishes higher in the 2nd main.
- 8 entries make a class, if 8 entries fail to sign up, the class will be dropped.
- Awards will not be ordered if we fail to get 8 entries signed up 2 weeks prior to the event but will be run if 8 entries show up the day of event.
- AAA Stock and LiPo Stock will be combined if not enough entries sign up for either of those classes.
Rocky Mountain Spec, Expert
Driver Restriction
Rocky Mountain Spec – Mod GT, Mod AWD, or Mod Open drivers Not allowed.
Rocky Mountain Spec Expert - No driver restriction.
Kyosho MR03S, MR03S2, and MR03 RWD.
Only wheelbases allowed shall be 90mm, 94mm, 98mm, and 102mm.
Kyosho MZ9P, MZ9E Motor from RTR, and PN 70 turn (PNR132370). Allowed to change the motor wires and remove the safety switch. Motor must be run as it was manufactured; no motor manipulation of any kind is allowed.
Gear Ratio
6T - 9T Pinion included with RTR kits, or PN 9T (PNR400329) with Stock Kyosho Gear Diff only.
All brand plastic and aluminum 28 scale production wheels are allowed. The maximum front-wheel width is 8.5mm and the rear-wheel width is 11mm, not including an outer flange or disk. The maximum wheel diameter is 20mm, minimum wheel diameter is 19mm. All wheels must be original designs made for 28 scale cars. Wheel and tire must fit inside the body.
Refer to General Rules > Tires section for information. Max tire diameter while mounted on the wheel shall not exceed 25.5mm.
Cars must be powered by 4, AAA batteries. Alkaline, Ni-MH, or Ni-Cd batteries may be used. No other type of battery may be used. An additional battery is allowed and may only be connected to a transponder.
Electronics & Transmitter Rocky
Mountain Spec - Only Kyosho original items included in the box are allowed, with NO modifications.
Rocky Mountain Spec Expert – Open radio, All other Kyosho original items included in the box are allowed, with NO modifications.
Any manufactured molded hard shell that fits the allowed wheelbase. All parts must be the original for that body. Limited wheel and ground clearance modifications are allowed. Body material may not be shaved or thinned for weight reduction. Lexan roofs, windows, and wings are not allowed. Aftermarket plastic wings are allowed. Refer to General Rules > Body & Modifications, Hard Bodies section for additional information.
Option Parts
Any manufacture ball bearings, nuts, screws, springs, shims, and T-Plates allowed.
Any manufacture t-plate mount, steering knuckles, disk damper set, center shock, and front body mount with body adaptor is allowed. Only those 5 above listed items can be upgraded. No aftermarket front suspensions or rear pods allowed. Adding weight via tungsten putty, stick weight, or cut hobby brass is allowed.
The car must be run in stock configuration. Kingpin flip is allowed, kingpin must be cut to prevent track damage.
AAA Stock
Kyosho MR03S, MR03S2, & MR03 RWD, Jomurema, MRC MRC01, PN PNR2.5W
Only wheelbases allowed shall be 90mm, 94mm, 98mm and 102mm.
Any manufacturer 3500Kv motor is allowed, sensored or sensorless. Max can diameter is 16mm. No option or aftermarket rotors are allowed. Maximum Kv is 3800. Refer to Race Tech > Motor section for additional information.
Gear Ratio
Any manufacturer pinion and spur allowed, tooth count must be distinguishable by markings or color for easy tech. All gears must be Pre-Event teched and painted. Refer to the gearing chart to find the appropriate gearing for your specific track. Note: 25 tile straightaway is measured at the longest part of the straightaway / outside straightaway.
AAA Stock – Official 28SRA Grand Prix and Pro-Am Gearing
Less than 25 tile straightaway
14T Pinion / 53T Spur
25 tile straightaway or more
16T Pinion / 53T Spur
All brand plastic and aluminum 28 scale production wheels are allowed. The maximum front-wheel width is 8.5mm
and the rear-wheel width is 11mm, not including an outer flange or disk. The maximum wheel diameter is 20mm,
minimum wheel diameter is 19mm. All wheels must be original designs made for 28 scale cars. Wheel and tire must fit inside the body.
Refer to General Rules>Tires section for information. Max tire diameter while mounted on the wheel shall not exceed 25.5mm.
Cars must be powered by 4, AAA batteries. Alkaline, Ni-MH, or Ni-Cd batteries may be used. No other type of battery may be used. An additional battery is allowed and may only be connected to a transponder.
ESC / Receiver
Any manufacturer ESC and Receiver is allowed. Sensored ESC must have and be in BLINKY MODE.
Any receiver with a built-in Gyro is not allowed. Gyro’s are not allowed.
Any manufactured molded hard shell that fits the allowed wheelbase. All parts must be the original for that body.
Limited wheel and ground clearance modifications are allowed. The body must weigh a minimum of 26 grams. Side
clips if used, are considered part of the body. Lexan roofs, windows, and wings are allowed. Aftermarket plastic wings are allowed. Refer to General Rules>Body & Modifications, Hard Bodies section for additional information.
Option Parts
Any aftermarket 28 scale publicly available production or 3D printed parts are allowed. Prototype parts are NOT
allowed. Refer to General Rules>Prototype and 3D Printed parts section for additional information. Adding weight via tungsten putty, stick weight, or cut hobby brass is allowed.
LiPo Stock
Kyosho MR03S, MR03S2, & MR03 RWD, Jomurema, GL Racing GLR, GLR-GT, GL-GTR, MRC MRC01, PN PNR2.5W, PNR3.0, RTRC RTA, Atomic MRZ, MRX, Reflex RX28, RX28SE, NEXX Skyline, Specter, MWX R.1, G-Force Lightning
Only wheelbases allowed shall be 98mm and 102mm.
Any manufacturer 2500Kv motor is allowed, sensored or sensorless. Max can diameter is 16mm. No option or aftermarket rotors are allowed. Maximum Kv is 2800. Refer to Race Tech>Motor section for additional information.
Gear Ratio
Any manufacturer pinion and spur allowed, tooth count must be distinguishable by markings or color for easy tech. All gears must be Pre-Event teched and painted. Refer to the gearing chart to find the appropriate gearing for your specific track. Note: 25 tile straightaway is measured at the longest part of the straightaway / outside straightaway.
LiPo Stock – Official 28SRA Grand Prix and Pro-Am Gearing
Less than 25 tile straightaway
10T Pinion / 53T Spur
25 tile straightaway or more
12T Pinion / 53T Spur
All brand plastic and aluminum 28 scale production wheels are allowed. The maximum front-wheel width is 8.5mm and the rear-wheel width is 11mm, not including an outer flange or disk. The maximum wheel diameter is 20mm, minimum wheel diameter is 19mm. All wheels must be original designs made for 28 scale cars. Wheel and tire must fit inside the body.
Refer to General Rules>Tires section for information. Max tire diameter while mounted on the wheel shall not exceed 25.5mm.
2-cell LiPo or 2 one-cells paralleled maximum 8.4 volts. An additional battery is allowed and may only be connected to a transponder.
ESC / Receiver
Any manufacturer ESC and Receiver is allowed. Sensored ESC must have and be in BLINKY MODE.
Any receiver with a built-in Gyro is not allowed. Gyro’s are not allowed.
Any manufactured molded hard shell that fits the allowed wheelbase. All parts must be the original for that body. Limited wheel and ground clearance modifications are allowed. The body must weigh a minimum of 26 grams. Side clips if used, are considered part of the body. Lexan roofs, windows, and wings are allowed. Aftermarket plastic wings are allowed. Refer to General Rules>Body & Modifications, Hard Bodies section for additional information.
Option Parts
Any aftermarket 28 scale publicly available production or 3D printed parts are allowed. Prototype parts are NOT allowed. Refer to General Rules>Prototype and 3D Printed parts section for additional information. Adding weight via tungsten putty, stick weight, or cut hobby brass is allowed.
Formula 1
GL Racing GLF-1, G-Force Formula, PNR 3.0F1, MWX R1F1, Atomic SF-F1 conversion
Only wheelbase allowed shall be 112mm – 116mm.
Any manufacturer 2500Kv motor is allowed, sensored or sensorless. Max can diameter is 16mm. No option or aftermarket rotors are allowed. Maximum Kv is 2800. Refer to Race Tech>Motor section for additional information.
Gear Ratio
Any manufacturer pinion and spur allowed, tooth count must be distinguishable by markings or color for easy tech. All gears must be Pre-Event teched and painted. Refer to the gearing chart to find the appropriate gearing for your specific track. Note: 25 tile straightaway is measured at the longest part of the straightaway / outside straightaway.
Formula 1 – Official 28SRA Grand Prix and Pro-Am Gearing
Less than 25 tile straightaway
10T Pinion / 53T Spur
25 tile straightaway or more
12T Pinion / 53T Spur
All brand plastic and aluminum 28 scale production wheels are allowed. The front-wheel width must be 11mm and the rear-wheel width must be 14mm, not including an outer flange or disk. The maximum wheel diameter is 20mm, minimum wheel diameter is 19mm. All wheels must be original designs made for 28 scale cars.
Refer to General Rules>Tires section for information. Max tire diameter while mounted on the wheel, shall not exceed 25.5mm.
2-cell LiPo or 2 one-cells paralleled maximum 8.4 volts. An additional battery is allowed and may only be connected to a transponder.
ESC / Receiver
Any manufacturer ESC and Receiver is allowed. Sensored ESC must have and be in BLINKY MODE. Any receiver with a built-in Gyro is not allowed. Gyro’s are not allowed.
Lexan F1 Bodies only. Refer to General Rules>Body & Modifications, Lexan F1 bodies for a list of approved bodies Aftermarket front and rear wings are allowed but must look like an F1 wing. Bearings in the front wing are allowed.
Option Parts
Any after-market 28 scale publicly available production or 3D printed parts are allowed. Prototype parts are NOT allowed. Refer to General Rules>Prototype and 3D Printed parts section for additional information. Adding weight via tungsten putty, stick weight, or cut hobby brass is allowed.
LMP / LMH (Le Mans Prototype / Le Mans Hypercar) This class is still being tested
Open any 2WD chassis ONLY. Prototype or pre-production chassis allowed.
Only wheelbase allowed shall be 112mm – 116mm.
Any manufacturer 3500Kv motor is allowed, sensored or sensorless. Max can diameter is 16mm. No option or aftermarket rotors are allowed. Maximum Kv is 3800. Refer to Race Tech>Motor section for additional information.
Gear Ratio
All brand plastic and aluminum 28 scale production wheels are allowed. The front-wheel width must be 11mm and the rear-wheel width must be 14mm, not including an outer flange or disk. The maximum wheel diameter is 20mm, minimum wheel diameter is 19mm. All wheels must be original designs made for 28 scale cars. Wheel and tire must fit inside the body.
Refer to General Rules>Tires section for information. No max tire diameter. Older F1 tires with the sidewall’s are allowed.
2-cell LiPo or 2 one-cells paralleled maximum 8.4 volts. An additional battery is allowed and may only be connected to a transponder.
ESC / Receiver
Any manufacturer ESC and Receiver is allowed. Sensored ESC must have and be in BLINKY MODE. Any receiver with a built-in Gyro is not allowed. Gyro’s are not allowed.
Lexan LMP or LMH Bodies only. Refer to General Rules>Body & Modifications, Lexan Bodies for a list of approved bodies. Currently the only approved body is the GL Racing GL-Le Mans body set (GL-050-1). Headlights (white) and taillights (red) must be installed and working at the start of each race. Aftermarket Lexan, molded plastic, 3d printed, and carbon wings are allowed, but must look like an LMP / LMH wing, side wings must be installed.
Option Parts
Open any parts allowed (including homemade parts, 3D-printed, and prototype parts.) Class is still being tested, changes might be made.
3500 GT
Kyosho MR03S, MR03S2, and MR03 RWD, Jomurema, GL Racing GLR, GLR-GT, GL-GTR, MRC MRC01, PN PNR2.5W, PNR3.0, RTRC RTA, Atomic MRZ, MRX, Reflex RX28, RX28SE, NEXX Skyline, Specter, MWX R.1, G-Force Lightning
Only wheelbases allowed shall be 98mm and 102mm.
Any manufacturer 3500Kv motor is allowed, sensored or sensorless. Max can diameter is 16mm. No option or aftermarket rotors are allowed. Maximum Kv is 3800. Refer to Race Tech>Motor section for additional information.
Gear Ratio
Any manufacturer pinion and spur allowed, tooth count must be distinguishable by markings or color for easy tech. All gears must be Pre-Event teched and painted. Refer to the gearing chart to find the appropriate gearing for your specific track. Note: 25 tile straightaway is measured at the longest part of the straightaway / outside straightaway.
3500 GT – Official 28SRA Grand Prix and Pro-Am Gearing
Less than 25 tile straightaway
10T Pinion / 53T Spur
25 tile straightaway or more
12T Pinion / 53T Spur
All brand plastic and aluminum 28 scale production wheels are allowed. The maximum front-wheel width is 8.5mm and the rear-wheel width is 11mm, not including an outer flange or disk. The maximum wheel diameter is 20mm, minimum wheel diameter is 19mm. All wheels must be original designs made for 28 scale cars. Wheel and tire must fit inside the body.
Refer to General Rules>Tires section for information. Max tire diameter while mounted on the wheel shall not exceed 25.5mm.
2-cell LiPo or 2 one-cells paralleled maximum 8.4 volts. An additional battery is allowed and may only be connected to a transponder.
ESC / Receiver
Any manufacturer ESC and Receiver is allowed. Sensored ESC must have and be in BLINKY MODE.
Any receiver with a built-in Gyro is not allowed. Gyro’s are not allowed.
Lexan GT Bodies only. Refer to General Rules>Body & Modifications, Lexan GT bodies for a list of approved bodies.
Option Parts
Any after-market 28 scale publicly available production or 3D printed parts are allowed. Prototype parts are NOT allowed. Refer to General Rules>Prototype and 3D Printed parts section for additional information. Adding weight via tungsten putty, stick weight, or cut hobby brass is allowed.
Modified AWD
Kyosho Mini-Z Racer AWD MA010, MA015, MA020 and MA030, Atomic BZ and SZ2, GL Racing
GLA, GLA Giulia, Mini-Q Q7
Only wheelbases allowed shall be 98mm and 102mm.
Any manufacturer motor is allowed, sensored or sensorless. Max can diameter is 16mm.
Gear Ratio
All brand plastic and aluminum 28 scale production wheels are allowed. The maximum front-wheel width is 11mm and the rear-wheel width is 14mm, not including an outer flange or disk. The maximum wheel diameter is 20.5mm, minimum wheel diameter is 19mm. All wheels must be original designs made for 28 scale cars. Wheel and tire must fit inside the body.
Refer to General Rules>Tires section for information. No max tire diameter.
2-cell LiPo or 2 one-cells paralleled maximum 8.4 volts. An additional battery is allowed and may only be connected to a transponder.
ESC / Receiver
Any manufacturer ESC (sensored or sensorless) and Receiver is allowed. Any receiver with a built-in Gyro is not allowed. Gyro’s are not allowed.
Lexan GT Bodies only. Refer to General Rules>Body & Modifications, Lexan GT bodies, for a list of approved bodies.
Option Parts
Any aftermarket 28 scale publicly available production or 3D printed parts are allowed. Prototype parts are NOT allowed. Refer to General Rules>Prototype and 3D Printed parts section for additional information. Adding weight via tungsten putty, stick weight, or cut hobby brass is allowed.
Modified GT
Kyosho MR03S, MR03S2, and MR03 RWD, Jomurema, GL Racing GLR, GLR-GT, GL-GTR, MRC MR01, PN PNR2.5W, PNR3,0 RTRC RTA, Atomic MRZ, MRX, Reflex RX28, RX28SE, NEXX Skyline, Specter, MWX R.1, G-Force Lightning
Only wheelbases allowed shall be 94mm, 98mm and 102mm.
Any manufacturer motor is allowed, sensored or sensorless. Max can diameter is 16mm.
Gear Ratio
All brand plastic and aluminum 28 scale production wheels are allowed. The maximum front-wheel width is 11mm and the rear-wheel width is 14mm, not including an outer flange or disk. The maximum wheel diameter is 20mm, minimum wheel diameter is 19mm. All wheels must be original designs made for 28 scale cars. Wheel and tire must fit inside the body.
Refer to General Rules>Tires section for information. No max tire diameter.
2-cell LiPo or 2 one-cells paralleled maximum 8.4 volts. An additional battery is allowed and may only be connected to a transponder.
ESC / Receiver
Any manufacturer ESC (sensored or sensorless) and Receiver is allowed. Any receiver with a built-in Gyro is not allowed. Gyro’s are not allowed.
Lexan GT Bodies only. Refer to General Rules>Body & Modifications, Lexan GT bodies for a list of approved bodies.
Option Parts
Any aftermarket 28 scale publicly available production or 3D printed parts are allowed. Prototype parts are NOT allowed. Refer to General Rules>Prototype and 3D Printed parts section for additional information. Adding weight via tungsten putty, stick weight, or cut hobby brass is allowed.
Modified Open
Open any 2WD chassis ONLY. Prototype or pre-production chassis allowed.
Only wheelbases allowed shall be 94mm, 98mm and 102mm.
Any manufacturer motor is allowed, sensored or sensorless. Max can diameter is 16mm.
Gear Ratio
All brand plastic and aluminum 28 scale production wheels are allowed. The maximum front-wheel width is 11mm and the rear-wheel width is 14mm, not including an outer flange or disk. The maximum wheel diameter is 20mm, minimum wheel diameter is 19mm. All wheels must be original designs made for 28 scale cars. Wheel and tire must fit inside the body.
Refer to General Rules>Tires section for information. No max tire diameter.
2-cell LiPo or 2 one-cells paralleled maximum 8.4 volts. An additional battery is allowed and may only be connected to a transponder.
ESC / Receiver
Any manufacturer ESC (sensored or sensorless) and Receiver is allowed. Any receiver with a built-in Gyro is not allowed. Gyro’s are not allowed.
Lexan Pan Car and LMP Bodies only. Refer to General Rules>Body & Modifications, Lexan pan car and LMP bodies for a list of approved bodies. Cutting the rear panel is allowed.
Option Parts
Open any parts allowed (including homemade parts, 3D-printed, and prototype parts.)
General Rules
- RM Spec, AAA Stock, LiPo Stock, F1, and 3500 GT, maximum tire diameter while mounted on the wheel is 25.5mm.
- Older F1 tires are not allowed, unless the sidewall is cut off. Exception is F1 and LMP / LMH Classes.
- Any brand of production rubber 28 scale tire is allowed.
- Traction Compound is NOT allowed on the tire or race surface.
- Tire warmers are allowed.
- Tires may be cleaned with a 70% alcohol solution or water.
- If a driver uses a tire cleaner deemed illegal, the driver will be subject to penalties.
- Homemade tires, Foam tires, Silicon tires, Urethane tires, or Ethyl Carbamate tires are NOT allowed.
- Tire inserts are not allowed.
Please address any questions concerning tires at the driver's meeting or with the race director.
Body & Modifications
Hard Bodies
Bodies may be functionally modified with minimal effect on the external appearance. The following non- comprehensive list of body modifications is allowed.
- The rear bumper may be removed up to a maximum of 20mm from the ground. Wheel wells may be cut or chamfered internally for tire clearance.
- Lower portions of the body may be cut for ground clearance in front, sides, or rear.
- Body panels may be reinforced or strengthened internally without affecting external appearance.
- Original headlight covers must be installed, but headlight buckets may be removed or omitted. If a headlight cover is lost, the hole may be covered with a decal.
- Taillights and taillight covers may be removed or omitted.
- Small body parts such as mirrors, canards, exhausts, and front splitters may be omitted or removed to prevent racing damage, getting stuck under a rail, and debris on the track.
- All rear wings that come standard with their corresponding hard-shell body may be used with no height limit. Custom-manufactured aftermarket plastic wings are allowed on any shell but must be cut to meet the height limit of 45mm from the ground.
The above list is non-comprehensive. The purpose and spirit of the rule are to allow functional performance modifications to the body while preserving the scale appearance and realism. The technical inspector has final authority in the judgment of body modification legality. If you have modified your body and have questions regarding the legality of the modifications, please submit the body in question to technical inspection PRIOR to racing qualification or main event rounds. This is to prevent any inadvertent disqualifications. The technical inspector will judge the legality of body modifications and photograph the body in its legal state if necessary.
If the body is further modified post-inspection, the modifications may or may not be legal. For the racer's protection, please re-submit the body in question to technical inspection IMMEDIATELY if significant modifications have been made. If the body is damaged, the condition of the body may or may not be legal. For the racer's protection, please submit the body in question to technical inspection IMMEDIATELY if significant damage occurs. If the damaged body is judged illegal, it must be repaired or replaced for the next qualification or main event round. Qualification or main event results during which racing damage occurs on track will be allowed, as long as the body is not judged to be intentionally designed to break away to benefit performance.
Lexan Bodies
Aftermarket Lexan, molded plastic, 3d printed, and carbon wings are allowed. Maximum wing size cannot be bigger than the original wing cutting line. The rear bumper may be removed up to a maximum of 20mm from the ground.
Approved Lexan GT Bodies
- PN - Supra A90, JSK, AD4, GT4LB, 992GT3, M4GT3, Concept C9, V2 JGT01, ZLB
- SBRC - Zenvo ST1, Phenom GT, NSX GT3, 458GT, SBX, STR, HYR, JX, XB2,
- Marka - RK410, RK408, RK-S, RK-SP6, RK-HC, RK-P-One, RK-W, RK-12, RK-TWR, RK-4C, RK-AMGT, RK-BLD, RK-NTI, RKPZR, RK-MK4
- Atomic - M4Z, DBX, Hyper, VST, ADR, IS2, LTC Type, LCT-2.0, AMZ
- GL Racing - P1M
- Rad Body – Mako GT, Mako X, Catfish
- PROTOform – P63, Venturi GT
- G-Force VW
- Bitty Designs – Ares-1, Eptron
- Nexx Racing – NX-326 Body
- GL Racing – P1M (102mm)
- Marka – RK-P-One (102mm)
- RTRC – XVR-GTB (102mm)
Approved Lexan Pan Car and LMP Bodies
Cutting the rear panel is allowed.
- PN - BMR, AMR2
- Marka - RK-AMR, RK-P99, RK-LM6
- Atomic - MP1
- SBRC – B001, B011
- Rad Body - LMP3, Ocho, Skillet
- Atomic – MRZ (102mm)
- GL Racing – VDS (102mm)
Approved Lexan 112mm -116mm bodies
- GL Racing – GLF-1
- PN – F1 body #600821
- G-Force – G-Force formula body
- GL Racing – GLF1 LeMans
Because a body isn’t listed above doesn’t mean it’s not allowed. Check with the race director before the event to get a final answer on whether your particular body is allowed or not.
Weight, Width, Height, & Gearing Tables
Stock | 3500GT | AWD/Mod GT/Mod Open | |
Min. Weight | 160g | 160g | No Limit |
Max. Car Length* | 180mm | 180mm | 180mm |
Max. Car Width | 80mm | 80mm | 80mm |
Max. Wing Height | 45mm | 45mm | 45mm |
*Subject with Bodies Rule
Official 28 SRA Grand Prix and Pro-Am Gearing Table | ||
Less than 25 tile straightaway | 25 tile straightaway or more | |
AAA Stock | 14T Pinion / 53T Spur | 16T Pinion / 53T Spur |
LiPo Stock | 10T Pinion / 53T Spur | 12T Pinion / 53T Spur |
Formula 1 | 10T Pinion / 53T Spur | 12T Pinion / 53T Spur |
3500 GT | 10T Pinion / 53T Spur | 12T Pinion / 53T Spur |
Prototype and 3D Printed Parts
Any production or 3D printed parts not publicly available before the start of an event, are considered prototype parts. Any new parts must be publicly announced via social media or website and be available for purchase on a national scale to be considered publicly available. 3D print files shared with the public 30 days before the start of an event, and can be printed by the public, will meet the requirement of being publicly available for that particular part.
- Proper manners and good sportsmanship are expected from all drivers at all times. It is important to understand that general bad behavior like cursing, intentional bad driving, etc. will not be accepted and can result in a driver being penalized, disqualified, or even asked to leave in extreme cases
- All participants will be expected to attend the drivers' meeting. Drivers will be expected to understand and comply with each rule by the time they leave the driver's meeting. Ask any questions at this time.
- If there is a rule dispute between drivers it must be brought to the attention of the race director or race personnel. The officials at the track will do their best to resolve any issue to the satisfaction of everyone.
- If a racer notices an illegal item on another racer's car. Please report to the race official after that racer's race, so the car can be inspected without interference.
- Substitute drivers are not allowed in any qualification or main event race. Immediate disqualification from the event for both drivers will result.
Race Tech
Motor tech procedures
All motors to be ran in AAA Stock, LiPo Stock, F1, LMP/Hypercar, and 3500 GT classes must be Pre-Event teched and marked for motor rule compliance.
- Motor must be unsoldered, and sensor wire removed before handing it over to the tech official
- The motor will be teched for Kv using a SkyRC Motor analyzer (SKY-500020)
- SkyRC Motor analyzer will be powered using a 72 watt variable power supply set to 8.4 Volts (SHNITPWR)
- SkrRC analyzer will be set to the first option, Kv analyzer, power knob will be turned to full throttle level (all lights lit)
Car Tech
Race Director or Technical inspector can tech any car at any time without reason.
Pre-Event Tech
Pre-Event is considered, any time prior to the first race of the event. Every driver can submit his car for pre-event tech to make sure they are in compliance with the rules. All Stock, F1, and 3500 GT entries must Pre-Event tech the following items, all motors, pinion gears, and spur gears to be ran in the event. Those items will be marked for easy Pre-Race tech.
Pre-Race Tech
All cars must be teched prior to each race it is in. Drivers will present their car to the technical director at least 3 minutes prior to the previous race being completed. Car must be turned off with body removed for the initial tech. Technical director may ask you to turn on the car during their inspection.
Post-Race Tech
All Cars must be placed on the post-race tech table after each run. Car can be either left on or turned off before placing on the post-tech table. Car cannot leave the post-race tech table until the next race is completed.
Rule Clarifications
The Atomic MRZ Pro converted to a strait axle, will be considered an MRZ.
Local Rules
Box Stock
OVERVIEW: Stock unaltered 98mm MM MR03 Mini Z as from ReadySet Box with Spec
- Unaltered “white cap” motor Required (Kyosho MZ9P)
- Capacitors and PTC must remain unmolested
- Motor wires MAY be changed for silicone-insulated replacements
- ORION 900HV NiMH (ORI13202)
- Unaltered Board Required (Kyosho MZ414 or MZ414b)
- KT531p Transmitters ONLY
1. Unaltered gear diff (Kyosho MZ207)
2. Unaltered 6T or 7T Pinion (Kyosho MZ6BK)
- Unaltered chassis (Kyosho MZ501 or MZ501SP)
- Unaltered MM Motor Pod (Kyosho MZ215)
- Unaltered Front Springs (Black from RTR or Orange from MZW401)
- Unaltered T-Plate (from MZ403)
- Unaltered Top ‘Shock’ (From MZ206B)
- Unaltered Top Spring (Chrome from RTR or Green from MZW202)
- Unaltered Repair/Replacement parts ONLY from the following: MZ6BK, MZ9P,
MZ203B, MZ206B, MZ207, MZ215, MZ402, MZ403, MZ404, MZ405, MZ406, MZ407, MZ409, MZ411, MZ414, MZ414B, MZ501, MZ501SP
Body and Wheels
- Unaltered 98mm Wheelbase from Kyosho ReadySet OR MZP* Auto Scale body
OR assembled from 98mm MZN* White-Body kit with no alterations except the
following: - Allowances to be made for MINIMAL clearance of wheel wells at
discretion of race official - Omission of body accessories due to race damage at discretion of race
official - Wheel width and offset are to match Kyosho-listed-specification for the body
used (+/- 0.5mm offset at race official’s discretion)
- Unaltered Front Tires Permitted: MZW37-20
- Unaltered Rear Tires Permitted: Open to any 11mm-wide Tire; DS Racing 11-
SNS40R and 11-SNS30R Recommended - Front Tires must be replaced as soon as tread pattern is no longer visible
- Tire Prep/Compound/Sauce/’Warsh’ Prohibited
- Tire Cleaning Allowed With Pure Water, Isopropyl Alcohol, or using Tap Water
Kyosho Cup
Overview: One-Make Class, Similar To (but not the same as) Kyosho’s Wide Touring
- Unaltered “Black Cap” motor Required (Kyosho MZW301 or MZW301E)
- Capacitors and PTC must remain unmolested
- Motor wires MAY be changed for silicone-insulated replacements
- 4x AAA NiMH, Max Voltage 1.55V each, Max 6.2V Total
- Any Brand/Model
- Any Kyosho Manufactured Evo or Box-Stock Board
- Transmitter: Open
- Kyosho Manufactured Gear or Ball Differential with 0.5M 44T Spur
- Kyosho Manufactured 6T 7T, 8T, or 9T Pinion
- Kyosho MR03 Chassis (Kyosho MZ501 or MZ501SP)
- Any Kyosho or R246 Manufactured Motor Pod
- Any Kyosho or R246 Manufactured Springs, T-Plates, Dampers
- Any brand of brass chassis weights are legal
- Any Kyosho ReadySet OR MZP* Auto Scale body MZN* White-Body kit:
- Windshield, Headlight lenses and Taillight lenses are required
- Lexan Windows and Roofs are not permitted.
Tires and Wheels
- Front Wheel must Measure 20x8.5mm.
- Rear Wheel must measure 20x8.5 or 20x11mm
- Any RCP-Safe tire is Permitted
- Front Tire Height <21.9mm and >24.7mm
- Rear Tire Height not to exceed 24.7mm
- Tire Prep/Compound/Sauce/’Warsh’ Prohibited
- Tire Cleaning Allowed With Pure Water, Isopropyl Alcohol, or using Tap Water
- Hop Up/Option Parts:
- ANY KYOSHO or R246 Manufactured Upgrades are Permitted
AAA NiMh SuperGT (3500kv motor)
Minimum fast-lap
Driver and Car may be required to demonstrate competence to lap the track within 1.2x the class-record in order to race in this class (example: if the class record is 6.1sec then the driver must be faster than 6.1 x 1.2 = 7.32sec).
- 3500kv Brushless motor.
- Must Tech Below 3800kv using SKYRC Motor Analyzer
- AAA NiMH batteries only, 4-cells in series only. 6.2v total maximum voltage
- Open
- Final Drive Ratio: Open
Car Dimensions
- Dictated by Body Rules in 4,h
- Wheelbase not to exceed 102mm
- Tires must not protrude beyond body work
- 1:27-28 Scale Hard Body 98-102
- Lexan body prohibited
- Lexan replacement windows and Lexan roofs are permitted
- Body must have headlight lenses and windows installed
- Front Tire Width not to exceed 8.5mm
- Rear Tire width not to exceed 11mm
- must be approved for use on RCP
- Silicone Tires Prohibited
- Foam Tires Prohibited
- Tire Prep/Compound/Sauce/’Warsh’ Prohibited
- Tire Cleaning Allowed With Pure Water, Isopropyl Alcohol, or using Tape
Lipo Stock (2500KV Hard Bodies)
Minimum fast-lap
Driver and Car may be required to demonstrate competence to lap the track
within 1.15x the class-record in order to race in this class (example: if the classrecord
is 5.9sec then the driver must be faster than 5.9 x 1.15 = 6.79sec)
Motor (2s LiPo, LiIon)
- 2500kv Brushless Motor.
- Must Tech Below 2800KV
- Lithium Polymer or Lithium Ion batteries wired in 2s, or 2s,2p, for a maximum
total voltage of 8.40v
- Open
- 53T spur with a 14T pinion ≈ 3.786:1
Car Dimensions
- Maximum Width 80mm, Maximum Length 160mm
- Wheelbase not to exceed 102mm
- Tires must not protrude beyond body work
- Any Kyosho, Jomurema, Silver Horse, PN, or TRP Hard Body
- Minimum weight: 26g (not including mounting system)
- Lexan Windows and Lexan Roofs are permitted
- Tire width not to exceed 11mm
- must be approved for use on RCP
- Silicone Tires Prohibited
- Foam Tires Prohibited
- Tire Prep/Compound/Sauce/’Warsh’ Prohibited
- Tire Cleaning Allowed With Pure Water, Isopropyl Alcohol, or using Tape
Super Stock (3500KV Lexan)
Minimum fast-lap
- Driver and Car may be required to demonstrate competence to lap the track
within 1.15x the class-record in order to race in this class (example: if the classrecord
is 5.9sec then the driver must be faster than 5.9 x 1.15 = 6.79sec)
Motor (2s LiPo, LiIon)
- 3500kv Brushless Motor.
- Must Tech Below 3800KV
- Lithium Polymer or Lithium Ion batteries wired in 2s, or 2s,2p, for a maximum
total voltage of 8.40v
- Sensorless ESC: Open
- Sensored ESC: No Turbo or Boost Timing permitted (Must be in ‘Blinky Mode’)
- 53t spur with a 12t pinion ≈ 4.42:1
Car Dimensions
- Maximum Width 80mm, Maximum Length 160mm
- Wheelbase not to exceed 102mm
- Tires must not protrude beyond body work
- Any Lexan GT or Sedan Body permitted
- LMP and Pan-Car style Bodies prohibited
- Tire width not to exceed 11mm
- must be approved for use on RCP
- Silicone Tires Prohibited
- Foam Tires Prohibited
- Tire Prep/Compound/Sauce/’Warsh’ Prohibited
- Tire Cleaning Allowed With Pure Water, Isopropyl Alcohol, or using Tape
Modified AWD
Minimum fast-lap
Driver and Car must be able to lap the track within 1.15x the class-record in order
to race in this class (example: if the class-record is 6.1sec then the driver must
be faster than 6.2 x 1.15= 7.13sec).
- Open Brushless Motor (Modifications Prohibited)
- Lithium Polymer or Lithium Ion batteries wired in 2s, or 2s,2p, for a maximum
total voltage of 8.4v
- Any Sensorless Brushless system permitted
- Any Sensored Brushless system permitted in ‘blinky mode’ (no boost or turbo
- Shaft or belt driven AWD
- Final Drive Ratio: Open
Car Dimensions
- Max Width: 80mm
- Max Length: 180mm
- Max Wheelbase: 98mm
- Tires must not protrude beyond body work
- GT-Style Lexan or Kyosho-Style Hard-Body
- Tire width not to exceed 14mm
- must be approved for use on RCP
- Silicone Tires Prohibited
- Foam Tires Prohibited
- Tire Prep/Compound/Sauce/’Warsh’ Prohibited
- Tire Cleaning Allowed With Pure Water, Isopropyl Alcohol, or using Tape
Formula 1
- Any Formula 1 Racing Chassis, such as GLF-1, MWX Formula 1
- 2500kv Brushless Motors
- Must test @ 2800KV or below in accordance with test procedures
provided by race director.
- Lithium Polymer batteries wired in 2s: maximum total voltage of 8.4v
- Any Sensorless Brushless system permitted
- Any Sensored Brushless system permitted in ‘blinky mode’ (no boost or turbo
- Final Drive Ratio: 53:13 ≈ 4.08:1
Car Dimensions
- Overall Width: Not to differ from stock
- Wheelbase: 114.0 ± 1 mm
- Overall Length: Within 3 mm of stock
- Body Kit: GLF-S-001
- Alternate front spoiler and/or rear wing are acceptable provided they adhere to
the following: - Cannot cause the car’s overall length to violate 7,H,iii
- Mounting to the same point as stock parts,
- Front Spoiler max height not to exceed 12mm
- Rear Wing Max Height not to exceed 50mm
- Total Combined Frontal Area of all alternate or altered parts are not to
exceed 2500mm2 - Total Combined Wetted Area of all alternate or altered parts are not to
exceed 10000mm2
Wheels and Tires
- Front Wheel: GLF-S-003
- Rear Wheel: GLF-S-004
- Front Tire: GF0001-S21, GF0001-S23, GF0001-S25, or GF0001-S27
- Rear Tire: MZR-V1R05-F1-GL or MZR-V1R10-F1-GL
- Tire Prep/Compound/Sauce/’Warsh’ Prohibited
- Tire Cleaning Allowed With Pure Water, Isopropyl Alcohol, or using Tap
General Rules
- RM Spec, AAA Stock, LiPo Stock, F1, and 3500 GT, maximum tire diameter while mounted on the wheel is 25.5mm.
- Older F1 tires are not allowed, unless the sidewall is cut off. Exception is F1 and LMP / LMH Classes.
- Any brand of production rubber 28 scale tire is allowed.
- Traction Compound is NOT allowed on the tire or race surface.
- Tire warmers are allowed.
- Tires may be cleaned with a 70% alcohol solution or water.
- If a driver uses a tire cleaner deemed illegal, the driver will be subject to penalties.
- Homemade tires, Foam tires, Silicon tires, Urethane tires, or Ethyl Carbamate tires are NOT allowed.
- Tire inserts are not allowed.
Please address any questions concerning tires at the driver's meeting or with the race director.
Body & Modifications
Hard Bodies
Bodies may be functionally modified with minimal effect on the external appearance. The following non- comprehensive list of body modifications is allowed.
- The rear bumper may be removed up to a maximum of 20mm from the ground. Wheel wells may be cut or chamfered internally for tire clearance.
- Lower portions of the body may be cut for ground clearance in front, sides, or rear.
- Body panels may be reinforced or strengthened internally without affecting external appearance.
- Original headlight covers must be installed, but headlight buckets may be removed or omitted. If a headlight cover is lost, the hole may be covered with a decal.
- Taillights and taillight covers may be removed or omitted.
- Small body parts such as mirrors, canards, exhausts, and front splitters may be omitted or removed to prevent racing damage, getting stuck under a rail, and debris on the track.
- All rear wings that come standard with their corresponding hard-shell body may be used with no height limit. Custom-manufactured aftermarket plastic wings are allowed on any shell but must be cut to meet the height limit of 45mm from the ground.
The above list is non-comprehensive. The purpose and spirit of the rule are to allow functional performance modifications to the body while preserving the scale appearance and realism. The technical inspector has final authority in the judgment of body modification legality. If you have modified your body and have questions regarding the legality of the modifications, please submit the body in question to technical inspection PRIOR to racing qualification or main event rounds. This is to prevent any inadvertent disqualifications. The technical inspector will judge the legality of body modifications and photograph the body in its legal state if necessary.
If the body is further modified post-inspection, the modifications may or may not be legal. For the racer's protection, please re-submit the body in question to technical inspection IMMEDIATELY if significant modifications have been made. If the body is damaged, the condition of the body may or may not be legal. For the racer's protection, please submit the body in question to technical inspection IMMEDIATELY if significant damage occurs. If the damaged body is judged illegal, it must be repaired or replaced for the next qualification or main event round. Qualification or main event results during which racing damage occurs on track will be allowed, as long as the body is not judged to be intentionally designed to break away to benefit performance.
Lexan Bodies
Aftermarket Lexan, molded plastic, 3d printed, and carbon wings are allowed. Maximum wing size cannot be bigger than the original wing cutting line. The rear bumper may be removed up to a maximum of 20mm from the ground.
Approved Lexan GT Bodies
- PN - Supra A90, JSK, AD4, GT4LB, 992GT3, M4GT3, Concept C9, V2 JGT01, ZLB
- SBRC - Zenvo ST1, Phenom GT, NSX GT3, 458GT, SBX, STR, HYR, JX, XB2,
- Marka - RK410, RK408, RK-S, RK-SP6, RK-HC, RK-P-One, RK-W, RK-12, RK-TWR, RK-4C, RK-AMGT, RK-BLD, RK-NTI, RKPZR, RK-MK4
- Atomic - M4Z, DBX, Hyper, VST, ADR, IS2, LTC Type, LCT-2.0, AMZ
- GL Racing - P1M
- Rad Body – Mako GT, Mako X, Catfish
- PROTOform – P63, Venturi GT
- G-Force VW
- Bitty Designs – Ares-1, Eptron
- Nexx Racing – NX-326 Body
- GL Racing – P1M (102mm)
- Marka – RK-P-One (102mm)
- RTRC – XVR-GTB (102mm)
Approved Lexan Pan Car and LMP Bodies
Cutting the rear panel is allowed.
- PN - BMR, AMR2
- Marka - RK-AMR, RK-P99, RK-LM6
- Atomic - MP1
- SBRC – B001, B011
- Rad Body - LMP3, Ocho, Skillet
- Atomic – MRZ (102mm)
- GL Racing – VDS (102mm)
Approved Lexan 112mm -116mm bodies
- GL Racing – GLF-1
- PN – F1 body #600821
- G-Force – G-Force formula body
- GL Racing – GLF1 LeMans
Because a body isn’t listed above doesn’t mean it’s not allowed. Check with the race director before the event to get a final answer on whether your particular body is allowed or not.
Weight, Width, Height, & Gearing Tables
Stock | 3500GT | AWD/Mod GT/Mod Open | |
Min. Weight | 160g | 160g | No Limit |
Max. Car Length* | 180mm | 180mm | 180mm |
Max. Car Width | 80mm | 80mm | 80mm |
Max. Wing Height | 45mm | 45mm | 45mm |
*Subject with Bodies Rule
Official 28 SRA Grand Prix and Pro-Am Gearing Table | ||
Less than 25 tile straightaway | 25 tile straightaway or more | |
AAA Stock | 14T Pinion / 53T Spur | 16T Pinion / 53T Spur |
LiPo Stock | 10T Pinion / 53T Spur | 12T Pinion / 53T Spur |
Formula 1 | 10T Pinion / 53T Spur | 12T Pinion / 53T Spur |
3500 GT | 10T Pinion / 53T Spur | 12T Pinion / 53T Spur |
Prototype and 3D Printed Parts
Any production or 3D printed parts not publicly available before the start of an event, are considered prototype parts. Any new parts must be publicly announced via social media or website and be available for purchase on a national scale to be considered publicly available. 3D print files shared with the public 30 days before the start of an event, and can be printed by the public, will meet the requirement of being publicly available for that particular part.
- Proper manners and good sportsmanship are expected from all drivers at all times. It is important to understand that general bad behavior like cursing, intentional bad driving, etc. will not be accepted and can result in a driver being penalized, disqualified, or even asked to leave in extreme cases
- All participants will be expected to attend the drivers' meeting. Drivers will be expected to understand and comply with each rule by the time they leave the driver's meeting. Ask any questions at this time.
- If there is a rule dispute between drivers it must be brought to the attention of the race director or race personnel. The officials at the track will do their best to resolve any issue to the satisfaction of everyone.
- If a racer notices an illegal item on another racer's car. Please report to the race official after that racer's race, so the car can be inspected without interference.
- Substitute drivers are not allowed in any qualification or main event race. Immediate disqualification from the event for both drivers will result.
Race Tech
Motor tech procedures
All motors to be ran in AAA Stock, LiPo Stock, F1, LMP/Hypercar, and 3500 GT classes must be Pre-Event teched and marked for motor rule compliance.
- Motor must be unsoldered, and sensor wire removed before handing it over to the tech official
- The motor will be teched for Kv using a SkyRC Motor analyzer (SKY-500020)
- SkyRC Motor analyzer will be powered using a 72 watt variable power supply set to 8.4 Volts (SHNITPWR)
- SkrRC analyzer will be set to the first option, Kv analyzer, power knob will be turned to full throttle level (all lights lit)
Car Tech
Race Director or Technical inspector can tech any car at any time without reason.
Pre-Event Tech
Pre-Event is considered, any time prior to the first race of the event. Every driver can submit his car for pre-event tech to make sure they are in compliance with the rules. All Stock, F1, and 3500 GT entries must Pre-Event tech the following items, all motors, pinion gears, and spur gears to be ran in the event. Those items will be marked for easy Pre-Race tech.
Pre-Race Tech
All cars must be teched prior to each race it is in. Drivers will present their car to the technical director at least 3 minutes prior to the previous race being completed. Car must be turned off with body removed for the initial tech. Technical director may ask you to turn on the car during their inspection.
Post-Race Tech
All Cars must be placed on the post-race tech table after each run. Car can be either left on or turned off before placing on the post-tech table. Car cannot leave the post-race tech table until the next race is completed.
Rule Clarifications
The Atomic MRZ Pro converted to a strait axle, will be considered an MRZ.